Greatness defined…

‘At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”‘ [Matthew 18:1-6]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When I was younger, this text mystified me a bit. I mean, on the surface its meaning is obvious… innocence… simplicity… yadda yadda. But when you know children, I mean really get to KNOW children… they can be a real pain. Hence, my confusion.

I mean, frankly, while this seems like a lovely image… have you honestly ever met a “humble” child? Really? I haven’t. Children can be brutal. They clamor for status and primacy. Some of the cruelest people on the face of the earth I’ve ever known have been children.

So… what is Jesus saying here, really?

I’ve finally resolved that for myself, but if your ponderings lead you to a different place, that’s fine, too. Just thought I’d share this.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The disciples are in the time where Jesus is preparing them for His crucifixion. He has told them He is going to be killed, but that He will rise again three days later. He is extremely clear about who He is… Son of Man, Son of God. So, in the midst of sorting these confusing things out, they ask a question only someone in His unique position could answer…

“Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”

Pretty big question. Pretty bold question. I suspect they were expecting a pretty big bold answer. What about you? If you had been standing there listening, or even if you had had the chance to ASK this question, what answer would you expect?

Something like, “He who does the will of the Father, He is the greatest…”

Or, “He who upholds the Kingdom in righteousness, He is the greatest…”

Or, “He who speaks the truth of God, He is the greatest…”

Right? I would. Or perhaps they were thinking of all the history… the patriarchs, the prophets, the judges, the kings, King David. Perhaps they expected Him to name one of those.

But no. As per usual for Him, He does something totally unexpected. He calls a little boy to Him from among the bystanders, and has him stand in front of the disciples like an artist’s model. He answers them in a very odd way. He does NOT tell them WHO is the greatest in the Kingdom. Instead (again consistent with how He usually does things), He tells them HOW to BECOME the greatest in the kingdom. (Perhaps that’s really what they wanted to know in the first place, bless their competitive little hearts.)

“Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.


I bet they didn’t see THAT coming! Remember, they’d just shortly before been at the Transfiguration. Peter, James, and John had seen Jesus, Moses, and Elijah appear before their very eyes, and take counsel with Jesus. Peter wanted to make a shrine on that mountaintop. So I am more than certain that when they inquired about heaven’s greatest soul, they weren’t expecting some little kid in the street!

So what was so special about kids? Or… what was so special about THIS little kid? What do kids have, that we don’t have? Why does Jesus use words like “converted” and “become like” as He points to this boy? How did this boy so dramatically “humble himself” that Jesus uses him as a model for the greatest in heaven?

Only in recent years have I figured it out. What do kids have, that we don’t? What did this little boy show, that we lose over time and must be transformed to recapture?


Children raised by loving healthy parents, learn “Trust” from the cradle. At least, trust of their parents. They learn to trust that they are provided for… mom and dad will make sure they have something to eat. They learn to trust that they are safe and protected… mom and dad will make sure others don’t hurt them, that they don’t get lost or injured. They learn to trust that they are valued, treasured, affirmed… they will carry on the family legacy, delighting the heart of their father, bringing joy to their mother.

As trust grows, obedience grows apace. When a child is secure that mom and dad seek only their good, their provision, safety, and security… parental directives are far more likely to be seen in that light. The child may wonder, or even ask, “Why?”. But the question is more likely to come even as the child is assenting and obeying, as opposed to the suspicious argument and immobility of the child who has learned NOT to trust.

Are there such children? Untrusting children? Those who have learned to be insecure, suspicious, perhaps rebellious and disobedient? Oh, yes. Both kinds of children surround us all the time. We adults, parents and others, can send a child down either of these two paths. Jesus tells us how in the lament that follows:

And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me;  but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Jesus didn’t pose as His model just a “little boy”, but rather a “TRUSTING little boy”. Why do I say this? How do I know this? Because the text says Jesus “called a child to Himself and set him before them“. Let’s see… Jesus calls on a stranger boy in a crowd, as He talks Kingdom-of-God-stuff with His disciples… AND HE COMES!


Think that through a minute. So… imagine yer a kid in the street. Maybe you’re alone. Maybe you’re passing by with mom and dad. Maybe you’re standing there with them listening to this (now) notorious or famous Preacher-Guy everyone’s talking about… and He looks your way with a simple, “Please come here a moment…” What do YOU do?

Ever been called up onstage for a Magician… or a hypnotist? Ever been there when this happened to a friend? It’s SCARY! But this kid COMES!

Why? Because the kid trusts Him and obeys Him. OR… perhaps it’s more accurate to say… this kid obeys Him BECAUSE he has been taught to trust adults in the first place.

This boy obeys, yielding to Jesus’ invitation and will, TRUSTING that nothing bad will happen to Him because of that trust. Or, he may have trusted that his loved ones nearby would make sure nothing bad happened to him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Gentle Reader, I believe we’ve lost that capacity. I think the disciples, like ‘most all adults, had lost that capacity. We have to weigh the alternatives, look at it from both sides, consider the pros and cons, and come to a reasoned decision about what to do.

Want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven? Want to attain greatness there?

Gotta find another way to live. Gotta rediscover “trust”. Gotta get “reborn”, and then “grow up all over again”, reestablishing the sort of trust for God that we once knew as little one’s with our loving parents. When we do, we discover that God will ALWAYS provide for us, ALWAYS keep us safe, and ALWAYS cling to us as the delight of His heart and apple of His eye.

When we honor that trust in one another, dealing uprightly, sacredly, honestly with one another… we fulfill the promise of His last words on this. Sometimes, our trust is abused and we are betrayed. Sometimes, even though we walk  in trust honoring Him, we will be hurt by others. It is not our role to protect from that, or avenge it. Our part is to forgive. But Jesus is unmistakably clear that when we honor our Kingdom citizenship, living in trust and transparency, the King Himself, Our Father, will deal with those who abuse our trust.

Jesus closes with His lament of such foolish people…

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Good news? Bad news? Well, it is certainly unexpected news… do you aspire to greatness in the Kingdom? Then aspire to Trust and Reliance on the unknown will of God. Trust Him enough to obey. Treat others as equally sacred children. And as gradually our trust transforms us into yielding to Him (as we lose our self-protective fear), watch what happens!

5 thoughts on “Greatness defined…

  1. AAAAWWWWEESOOOMMMMEEEE!!! Have you ever noticed that when you know or seem to know something deep, deep down yet have a hard time explaining it, how simple it seems when someone else comes up with a perfect explanation of what you had been trying to put into words?!!! I guess that’s what some call an epiphany but I like to think it’s Holy Spirit timing!
    Isn’t it amazing that we start out with the trust you are talking about, lose it through life’s “sticks and stones” but have to regain it by enduring further “sticks and stones” so that we can experience that trust in our Heavenly Father just like we did at first with our parents? Only God can take the very thing that is meant to destroy us spiritually and turn it back into a strength IF we can do like you just laid out!!

    Great post, LM and as with my other brothers and sisters, my prayer and hope for you is that you will have abundant JOY and PEACE this Season as we commemorate the birth and mission of our Redeemer!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Roland!

      What’s funny is… for me… that second layer of “sticks and stones” never taught me squat. That just taught me to duck, to try harder, to fight more doggedly… etc. etc. Since I’m a bit “determined” as a person… ( ** cough.. cough… translate that “stubborn” if you wish ** ), it took an even more “determined”, gentle, and patient teacher to help me see this.

      You see, I kept messing up. Skills, or studies, or my own “spiritual development” not tracking as well, as perfectly, as I sought. I wanted (desperately, urgently), to grow in God. And I’d get so frustrated with myself. Principally, to be honest, when I’d “sin”… lose my composure, catch myself in a wrong attitude, use harsh words… etc. etc. Then I’d get all down on myself and uptight for a while.

      I can’t even count the number of times this infinitely patient teacher repeated to me, “Little Monk! God is not NEARLY so concerned with you ‘getting it all RIGHT’… as He wishes you would just RELAX, and learn to enjoy His LOVE!”

      And my eyebrows would beetle up, my head would tilt sideways a bit like a spaniel puppy who hears an odd noise, and my brain would cramp as I failed utterly to understand what he was trying to teach me. Of COURSE God cared about me getting it all “right”! What about that Final Exam Judgment thing we all have to worry about passing to get into heaven? What about being accountable for every word and deed? What about the size and glory of my own crown as a minister, when compared to everyone elses’? What in the world was this man THINKING!? What was WRONG with him???

      Can’t explain what happened, really. Don’t remember exactly when it was, or where it was, or what I was even doing at the time.

      But suddenly one day, years after the time this patient understanding boss kept trying to help me understand this… I was in prayer, pondering great and weighty matters of my own fallenness, frailty, and unworthiness before the Father. These words returned in my memory… “not about getting it right, but to relax and enjoy His love…” and I reflected them to the Father with a sincere inquiry of “what does this mean?”

      [Roland, I probably should put this in a private email rather than a public comment, but what the heck, here we are out in front of man and God and ever’body… so may as well carry on… Feel free to cast this aside and write me off as a looney-toon if it’s too unbelievable, but…] When you were a little kid, did your dad ever just grab you, tickle you gently til you couldn’t breathe, and pick you up? Swinging you, or tossing you gently in the air and catching you so you felt like you were both flying, and utterly safe at the same time? Ever done that, felt that, done it with your own kids, or seen others do it?

      Well, as I directed these words to Our Father, I “felt” Him smile, and then that’s exactly what happened. I can’t explain it. I’ve no “theology” to cover it. I don’t talk about it much. But those moments just changed everything. I’ve never “worried” about honoring Him by “getting it all right” since. I still want to perform rightly, reflect Him rightly, touch and speak in Him for the sake of whomever I’m working with… but no longer because it makes any difference to Him. Only because it makes a difference to the other person. He didn’t even “speak” through the encounter, He just laughed. But if there were a phrase, a quotation to attach to those moments, it was simply…

      “I delight in My children, always. You are My child. I simply delight in you.”

      And I realized it was simply true, and I never need worry about that, or any such nonsense, ever again. And here’s the BEST part!

      He has LOTS of children! You, and Paul, Don, Bette, Heather, Susan, Cate, Wally, John, Levi, Nobody, everyone writing here… commenting here… visiting here. It goes on and on and on. All it takes to enjoy that play… those warm strong arms and hands… is a brisk sprint and the flying leap in His direction, trusting that He catch you. He ALWAYS does. He ALWAYS has. He ALWAYS will.

      Our word “believe” as “believe in” Him, Jesus, Holy Spirit… Our word “faith”, as “the assurance of things hoped for”… all the same base word, and in context all better understood by the word “trust”.

      Took decades, but I finally understood what my boss was trying to teach me. All He wants, all He needs for the relationship He wants with us… our childlike trust. With that, He can do all the rest!

      Merry Christmas to you and yours! Grace! – LM

      Liked by 1 person

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